Aug 28, 2008

Bridging The Gap - Day 6

This is Day 6 of this new Photo Challenge, hosted my my hooman Mom at her blog, I Was Born2Cree8.

This first pikture is when we were driving across this bridge fur the very first time, on our way into Nelson, BC on our trip to the Kootenays in May 2007.

This slide show is bunches of more piktures of the bridge we crossed. I don't know if it has a name, but that's okay cuz it wouldn't come to you even if you did call it's name. It's a bridge, people, not a dog.

Have a woofenderful day!!


Anonymous said...

You live in beautiful country Reba! That bridge is pretty sharp looking and fits right in with the scenery.

Anonymous said...

Oh, my darling, Reba Jane, Rottenweiler... you were such a good girl and a total pleasure to have along on this trip. It would have been lonely without you. I wish they would have let you come into the hotsprings with me too, haha.

Ingrid said...

Wonderful place for you to run around (if allowed of course)

Minkydo said...

lol…love your sense of humor Reba. Nice slide show.

Carver said...

Hi Reba, That's a lovely bridge and you are a smart dog to put together such a nice slide show.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful bridge. I love the wonderful setting. A feast for the eyes!

maryt/theteach said...

Reba, great bridge pix and slideshow! You could post that bridge for Ruby Tuesday on my Work of the Poet blog! :)

juliana said...

i don't think a bridge has to have a name but some do :)
the bridge you were crossing looks great!

Carletta said...

Most of the bridges we have here are like this one unless they are the newer 'no overhead' support type.
"won't come when you call it's name - it's a bridge people - too funny!

Tell Mama to give you a cookie!

Jientje said...

I'm Tisja, and I'm Jientjes cat! I read that you would not hurt me, that's why I have found the courage to walk in here! Which is a hell of a challenge for me, because I'm a very shy cat, and you are a very big dog!!!
Your Mom sure likes slideshows now huh, I'm glad she knows how to do it now!! Your bridges are wonderful, I'll have to tell Mommy Jientje about that, I'll bet she didn't know this! Meow now!

Anonymous said...

excellent shots you have there reba! the slide show is treat to watch too... your very smart, it does not really matter if that bridge has a name because after all it won't come to you if you called it... i never would have realized that! thanks... certainly enjoyed my visit! see you soon..

Anonymous said...

first glance of that first image gave me the thinking that it is pic of some bridge which is still being built lol

later I was able to see your car and then I understood you it is already built bridge ;)

Anonymous said...

This is something what you can really rely on...! Since long time I look here at regular intervals and read the interesting and well written contributions. Its really appreciating.