Hi. Welcome to Reba's Run and to
Dogic Monday.
The word Mr. Mo (a.k.a. Not The Mama) at It's A Blog Eat Blog World chose for us to blog about this week is kit.
Earlier this year, Mom took me on a trip to the Kootenays to visit our good friend Cam and to meet Kai (she lived there then, but moved away now) and Claire (she came all the way from Scotland to visit friends and we got to meet her while she was here). It was so wonderful and I had sooooo much fun. I hope we go on lots more trips together like that.
When we travel, Mom takes some suit cases with her "stuff" in 'em. Well, I need a
kit of stuff too. What kind of
kit does a dawg need, you ask? Well, let me tell you then:
Kit Contents:
dawg food (this can be kibble or raw meet & veggies... I like the raw better)
dishes: 1 fur my food & 1 fur my water, usually we use small buckets
halti & leash ... just in case we go somewhere that I can't run free. In the Kootenays we walked downtown to the car show on main street and we walked in the Nelson Park with Claire when we was there. I needed to wear my "safety gear" there. We also had a real nice long walk along the banks of Kootenay River and I was able to run free there. By the way, if you don't know, a halti is like a horses halter, but it's smaller to fit a dawg's head.
plastic bags for pickin' up my poops
a whole bunch 'a doggy cookies!!!! Yup, we gotta take the whole
kit 'n caboodle. (Hey, what's a caboodle?)
Oh ya, guess I should tell you.... I like chasing my "brother". He's really Mom's
kitty cat and it's fun to chase him cuz he runs. Sometimes he doesn't run so I don't dare bug him then cuz he's got sharp clawzes.
Enjoy your Manic Monday!
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