Anyway, whatever people took my Woofless Wednesday photo and Mom's and the other ones in the email all deserve recognition for their good work. They should get trophies.
Nov 28, 2007
About the Woofless Wednesday Photo!
Anyway, whatever people took my Woofless Wednesday photo and Mom's and the other ones in the email all deserve recognition for their good work. They should get trophies.
Nov 27, 2007
Woofless Wednesday

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Nov 23, 2007
Friday's Feast #16
Friday's Feast
Food Fur Smart Dawgs

Imagine that you are deaf, dumb and insensitive to touch. What other image of happiness could you have?
I could smell, see to find my bones, taste my bones, lay at Mom's feet. I'd sure miss those tummy tubs though if I couldn't feel them... and the ear rubs.
Do you collect anything?
When do you start your Christmas?
When Mom brings me home some left over turkey from Auntie M's place.
Main Course
What would you do if you were in a corner and a snake was staring you down?
Bark at it, stomp my front feet in warning to it to leave, and maybe even bite it if it didn't heed my warning.
If you were in the library and had gas - - I'd clear the place out - but that's not likely to happen cuz they don't allow dogs in the library here.
Check out Fridays' Feast... see more participants for this week.
Please leave me your Barks, Woofs, Licks and other signs of love.
Your words brighten my day.
Nov 21, 2007
Getting Cold Here.
Traveling Anything But Light
I love Our Truck
To Our Friends to the South
to all my friends in the United States of America
In Canada we have ours in early October.
Wordless Wednesday

Check out Wordless Wednesday HQ!!
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Nov 18, 2007
Manic Monday - Relish

The word my man-ic friend Mr. Mo (a.k.a. Not The Mama) at It's A Blog Eat Blog World chose for us to blog about this week is:

I gotta tell ya, I'd really Relish a good raw steak!

but please no

Though a little of this
might be okay as a side dish.
Okay, okay... I was just kittying, wasn't serious.
Have a 'woofenderful' week!
Learn more about Manic Monday here.
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Blogging Links Us All
Games People Play
There are people games too that they like to play woofout us critters. I've heard of xbox 360, and don't know anyone who plays it, but Mom might. Mom has a game she bought cuz Nan was telling Mom about it one time. She was looking for one to buy and couldn't find one, so when Mom saw one in a second hand store when we were on our trip to the Kootenays, she bought it. It was just like new, even still had it's instructions with it. Mom & Nan like playing this game together. If Mom had friends that liked playing games, she'd play lots of 'em cuz she likes that kind of thing.
Nov 12, 2007
Some days, it's rainy and windy, or cold and dreary, or some other reason why we don't go to the dog park. On these kind of days, it would be good to have a treadmill or some fitness equipment.
To Move or Not

Here's to Health
Today Nan asked Mom to get her some of that good quality Peppermint Oil, cuz Mom used to sell it. Mom's gonna get herself some too cuz she has acid reflux problems and the doctors can't find what's causing it, and can't seem to fix it. She forgot until today about using the oil. I sure hope it works for her like it did for me. I think I need some more too cuz I throw up sometimes.
I sure am happy that we don't need to get Washington DC medical malpractice lawyers involved with anything.
Somewhere I was today, the word verification was: wagfizla
I know what a wag is, but what's a fizla? If it's an extra happy wag, or a wagging party, special dog celebration, then I'm all for it. Let's have a wagfizla!
Manic Monday - Gravy

The word my man-ic friend Mr. Mo (a.k.a. Not The Mama) at It's A Blog Eat Blog World chose for us to blog about this week is:

Beef gravy
Chicken gravy
Buffalo gravy
Gravy on dog food
Gravy on people food
Gravy on a plate
Gravy on the floor
don't matter where you put the gravy, it's good and I'll eat it.
Nov 9, 2007
My Dog Age

That's 9.1 years younger than the average DogAge for Reba's breed.
DogAge is the biological age of your dog, measured in people years. Your dog is lucky to have such a good caretaker. You can make your dog even younger by checking out the details of your results below.

I'll be 9 people years on December 14... one month from now... 9x7=63, so 63 is what most people would say I am in dog years... so guess I'm doing pretty good. Whoof!!
I gotta go play right now, but will be back to 'spain this later.
Nov 8, 2007
Friday's Feast #15
Friday's Feast
Food Fur Smart Dawgs

Which snack do you like to get when you go to the movies?
Duuuuhhhhh.... DOG COOKIES!
What year did you start using the internet?
This year!
What is your first name in Pig Latin? (Here’s how to speak it if you don’t already know!)
Eba Ray... what's so hard about that?
Main Course
Name something you are picky about.
Who comes into our yard... and coyotes coming too close to the yard.
Fill in the blanks: I ____ ____ yesterday and I ____ ____ today.
I ate eggs yesterday and I want more today.
Check out Fridays' Feast... see more participants for this week.
Please leave me your Barks, Woofs, Licks and other signs of love.
Your words brighten my day.
Nan & Papa
Papa sounds like a great guy. He liked dogs and was a farmer much of his life. He was a very strong guy, as was his grandpa, the 'Old English Bobby' who could pick up a 100 pound sack of something in his teeth. He led an incredible life by the sound of things, and he was always Mom's hero.
Unfortunately, Papa had lots of 'health issues' and when he was in his 80s and his life was catching up on him, he had to use incontinence products, like many people do now days. Papa left this earth before I came into Mom's life, when I was about 4 weeks old and still with my birth family, Poppa was 83 and his body just quit working one winter night. Mom still misses him and will always love him.
We've both been thinking about turning off the comment moderation, and just going back to normal, but then I got another spam comment. I wouldn't mind at all if someone sent me Spam (the sandwich meat) but I don't like spam (unsolicited advertising crap). Anyway, if you can't even leave your name and a link back to you, you obviously don't have pride in what you're trying to sell, you're just in it for the money... if you don't have pride in what you sell, why should anyone want to buy it. Go away, you are NOT welcome here. Somehow this will come back to bite you in the butt!
Nov 7, 2007
Bathroom Lights
The cat food is on top of the bathroom vanity and I need light to figure out how to get my lips on it.
Drug Rehab
If you use drugs or if you use too much alcohol, please go to a drug rehab place and get your life back. You are just as good as everyone else, I promise you this. Universal Mind, also known as God (whether you believe in it or not), created everyone and everyone is good, everyone is 'enough'. Yes, even us dogs.
Business Talk
Mom sometimes thinks about starting her own business. One idea she had was to open a Dog Cafe. No, silly, not where you eat dogs YUCK, where you can go and take your dog with you. She didn't look into if the laws would let her do such a thing here, but I liked the basic idea. She would have a place where you could sit inside or outside in a nice relaxing spot. There would be tea and coffee and various kinds of desert type treats fur the hoomans and water with different kinds of doggy cookies fur us K9 types. All these would be homemade, fur us K9s and the hoomans. Maybe there'd even be sandwiches fur our hoomans and crumbles fur us dogs.
Mini SD cards
My hooman Mom has been talking a lot lately about getting our house cleaned up and getting rid of stuff we don't have room for anymore. She is so busy all the time that I don't have a clue how she's going to find the time to do any of this, or how she'll figure out what to give away and what to keep. But knowing my Mom, I know she will find a way somehow. I just hope she doesn't get rid of my big bag of food, or my big bag of cookies, not to mention my bones, dishes and my bed. I wish there was more place to put things. I was lookin' on the net today and saw some cool storage things called micro sd, too bad Mom can't get some of those to store her stuff in, but she says those aren't for this kind of storage, something to do with piktures and such instead.
Nov 2, 2007
A Note From Mom
I have a house full of animals and most of them have come to me free off the internet. For the most part, they have come to me healthy and happy, which is a real blessing and something I am very grateful for. I believe all animals should be treated with love and kindness.
I got a pair of budgie birds at one point. They are not at all friendly with me, though are in love with each other, always kissing and such, lol. Lady Bird has a bit of a problem with her beak, though, in that it grows and grows and I have to catch her from time to time to cut it back so she can eat. Not pleasant for me or her, and Tom Tom also gets upset when I chase them around the cage to make the catch, then he hears his lady love when she's squawking her unhappiness to the world. When I do this, I get bitten ... a lot... and it hurts. James, my other budgie came to me more recently from someone who had caught her in a parking lot in Calgary and brought her home to here then wanted to find her a home. She obviously has issues. When ever I put my hand into the cage for any reason, she goes after it to bite me as hard and as often as she possibly can. OUCH! I bought one of those big rope toys for dogs and hung it up in Jamie's cage. She chews and rips at it, I can hear her snapping the threads in it, and this rope in now in pretty 'ruff' shape. I've been working at taming her. A gal at one of the local pet stores said to tame the budgies they have for sale, she holds them and pets them for awhile to get them used to it, they bite but she doesn't let them know it hurts or they'd keep doing it. She said it only takes one or two times of this and the bird is tame and sits on her fingers and such. I've done this with Jamie so many times now that I've lost count. Mostly I can take the pain of her bites, but some days, like today, it's all I can do to not scream and squash the little bitc_.... ummm, errrr... little bitty birdy, ya, that's what I was going to say.... little bitty birdy. She is starting to be a bit tamer, but not a lot. I obviously have a long ways to go yet... but she will either love me one day or she will find a way to kill me.
Hmmmm... maybe I need to check out some term life insurance quotes, life and injury insurance might be just the ticket here.
Hooman Friends
Police Gear
Friday's Feast #14
Friday's Feast
Food Fur Smart Dawgs

How much money do you plan to spend this upcoming holiday season?
None, whoof!
What was the last television show you watched, and was it good?
ER was on Mom's TV, but I didn't bother watching too much, mostly napped.
If you had to paint the walls of your living room tomorrow, what color would you choose?
I wouldn't paint... period. But if someone else was painting I'd hope they painted something that goes well with my beautiful black fur coat... and gives a peaceful, relaxed feeling.
Main Course
Name something clever or practical you have thought of that should be invented, but hasn’t yet.
Automatic dog cookie dispenser. I'd just have to step on a peddle and out would come another yummy dog cookie.
List 3 things you would like to receive as gifts this upcoming holiday season.
- raw meat.... dog cookies.... more petting and loving than I can handle in one sitting.
Check out Fridays' Feast... see more participants for this week.
Please leave me your Barks, Woofs, Licks and other signs of love.
Your words brighten my day.
Nov 1, 2007
Friday's Feast #14
Friday's Feast
Food Fur Smart Dawgs

Usually, the Friday's Feast questions are up and ready to go at 9pm Thursday evenings, so I was ready and have been waiting fur it but it's almost 11pm now and still not there. Mom needs the 'puter, so I gotta go now. I'll be back later to finish this off if FF comes up tonight.
Check out Fridays' Feast... see more participants for this week.
Please leave me your Barks, Woofs, Licks and other signs of love.
Your words brighten my day.
Save Buckets

- New price saving site launches to save Brits up to 20% this Christmas -
As the nation approaches the final countdown to Christmas, new research rings alarm bells over the financial impact of Christmas in credit crunch Britain. The research from the new money saving website reveals that as Brits prepare for Christmas, many are still paying off last year’s festive spending.
With 41 per cent of Britons paying for Christmas on credit last year, almost one in five are still paying for last year’s festivities (17%), fewer than one in three having cleared their Christmas debts when their January credit card bill arrived (29%).
Following a year of consumer confidence in 2006, Christmas spending soared 52 per cent in two years (from an average £548 per adult in 2004* to £837 per adult in 2006), with over one in five Brits spending over £1,000 on Christmas last year (22%). This year, with spending power at its lowest level for 10 years**, consumers are feeling the financial hangover from a more confident Christmas enjoyed on the credit card and loans.
Alarmingly, it is cash strapped youngsters and low income earners who, having spent the most on last Christmas, are most likely to be feeling the repercussions of last year’s spending spree (see figures below).
The research into the financial impacts of last Christmas amongst a GB representative sample of 2,000 British adults was carried out by the new money savings website which launches this week to enable Brits to get more for their money this Christmas.
With these alarming figures in mind, will give shoppers the opportunity to save up to 20% on their Christmas shopping. Putting consumers back in control of their spending, the site searches over 700 retailers for the best price on around one million products. The site includes a unique price checker which allows consumers to set the price they want to pay for items, notifying them when the price of a product falls to within their budget.
No Walk Today
Anyway, maybe we can go tomorrow. Mom has to go to town tomorrow, like it or not, so she'll take me along and pretty sure we'll end up at the dog park.
Short Term Loans
Many people need a bit of financial help now and again, sometimes just for a few days to bridge a gap, so some turn to `Payday Loans` also known as `Cash Advance Loans`. I`ve often heard the term, but didn`t know what a Payday Loan really was. It is a small, short term loan ($100 - $1500) available to you without a credit check. No pile of paperwork, just a few seconds online will get things stated.
If you are interested in a short term loan like this, you can get Payday Loan Quotes so you know ahead of time what you are getting into. Confidential and secure.