Nov 7, 2007

Drug Rehab

I think it is so sad that so many people are so unhappy in their lives, and feel so bad about themselves that they would poison themselves with drugs and alcohol. If they could just understand that they really are 'enough' then they would never take that stuff. I know it's okay to have a little drink of alcohol once in awhile, but it's not good to drink it all the time, or big amounts even once in awhile. And it's real bad to take drugs cuz so many of them own you and your life right from the first time you take them.

If you use drugs or if you use too much alcohol, please go to a drug rehab place and get your life back. You are just as good as everyone else, I promise you this. Universal Mind, also known as God (whether you believe in it or not), created everyone and everyone is good, everyone is 'enough'. Yes, even us dogs.

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