Nov 1, 2007

No Walk Today

I was hoping Mom would take me to the dog park today, or up to visit our new friends, Levi and his Mom Cyndi. It was such a nice, sunny day that I was sure Mom would just 'have' to get out and go for a walk with me. We didn't get to go though cuz Mom's not doing too good the last few days. Something called fibromyalgia and arthritis in full flare up. I wish I knew what they were cuz then maybe I could bite 'em or chase 'em away and make Mom feel better. She said tonight that she is starting to feel better though, not so much pain as before. She even had to cancel dinner woof a guy she really really likes last night cuz she was in too much pain. I licked her foot and she seemed to feel a bit better. If one lick does that I wonder what more licks would do... hhmmmm.

Anyway, maybe we can go tomorrow. Mom has to go to town tomorrow, like it or not, so she'll take me along and pretty sure we'll end up at the dog park.

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