Nov 21, 2007

I love Our Truck

One thing that I like more than almost anything is going for a ride with Mom in our truck. Every time she leaves home I want to be going with her and I'm not at all happy when Mom leaves me home. Sometimes I sit in the truck for a long time waiting for Mom to come back from somewhere, like when she goes to church or to visit Nan. This is okay with me and I know Mom comes back as often as she can to let me out or just to say Hi. People at church often come to our truck to say Hi to me too. Even if I'm just sitting there waiting, I get to see people walking by and sometimes with their dogs, or driving by too. I find this very entertaining. I really like our truck, though I know there are things Mom would like to have done to it. The motor still works real good, but it's really close to 300,000 Km, and that's a lot, so one day that motor will be no good. Mom would like to get a newer motor. Also, Mom wants to get the rust gone and a new paint job on Vaquero. That's the truck's name, Vaquero. Mom says it means Cowboy in Spanish. Her friend Mike gave her 2 bucking horses off a Ford Bronco truck, and she had him put them onto her Ford Ranger, our truck Vaquero. Kinda cool, arf, arf, arf. Maybe she will get a fancy grill for him from billet grille.

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