Dec 29, 2010
My Weight and Health
I was just watching Ghost Whisperer on TV and could not help noticing what a nice figure Melinda (Jennifer Love Hewitt) has, such a small waist. I would love to have that kind of figure so I guess I better get on my exercise bike more and eat less. I know I have gained weight over the last week or two with all the Christmas dinners I ate and I have to get busy and get it off again. If I thought smoking cao cigars would take my mind off eating I would seriously consider it, even though I happen to be allergic to smoke. I guess lots of people like cigars and I used to like the smell of their smoke. I know however that only eating less and moving more will take the weight off. Well, not as much eating less as eating more wisely, more healthy, low cal foods rather than high cal or unhealthy foods. I must cut out the sugary food for my weight and for my blood sugars. Yesterday I did 30 minutes on my exercise bike and walked a kilometer, a good start. Today I did nothing. Guess I better get off my armchair and onto the bike. I have TOPS tomorrow and that will show how much I over did the food over Christmas as we weigh in before each meeting. See you later!
New Business
I recently started a new business designed to help people reduce or eliminate pain and to get healthier. As well as purchasing business office supplies, I also have been purchasing some of the products for myself and so that I can demonstrate them to people that might be interested. I have a Black Tipped AMWand and have some bracelets on order. There was a great Christmas Special where they were selling 3 bracelets at a great price so I ordered them, 2 for me and 1 for a friend. I also have a Silver Tipped AMWand on order for another gal. I needed to order a certain number of dollars worth of product to become Platinum and start my business of with a bang, and I managed to do it, thanks to my upline, Bruce. He introduced me to the gal that wanted the Wand which I am giving her at my cost just to get what I needed to get the business off the ground in the way I wanted it to be, and he is taking the 3rd bracelet for his girlfriend. I have lots of things to read, videos to watch, etc to learn about the products well enough to be good at telling people about them... they really work.
When I started riding motorcycles again after many years of not, the only leathers I had were from riding horses, so I rode the iron horse in my equestrian apparel. At some point I think I put my chaps away, though I have no clue where. I have a terrible mess in my home and they could be anywhere in here... or they could be gone from my life. Over this past summer I did acquire motor cycle leathers. I bought a really good jacket at a second hand store for a very good price, and later was given a most wonderful pair of custom made chaps in black leather with some purple leather accents and lots of silver studs. I would like to get some purple accents added to the jacket as well as some silver studs so that the jacket and chaps match. I was very fortunate to be wearing the leathers and a good DOT helmet when I was hit by the car.
Dec 25, 2010
Merry Christmas To All
I send you wishes for a most Merry Christmas and a 2011 filled with Joy, Peace and Love for you and your loved ones.
I also send a 'Christmas Gift'. It's a free download that could well help your 2011 be a lot more prosperous. I've downloaded it before but didn't get around to reading it... sigh, so just downloaded it again and am finding it very interesting whenever I find a few moments to read. I look forward to a quieter time soon, lol.
Well, I think I am about as ready for Christmas as I will be this year. Much of it is already over and much left to come. December 2nd was my TOPS group party... full turkey dinner for lunch, games to play, gift exchange where I was fortunate to get what I felt was the best gift, a hand quilted wall hanging of snowmen. December 18 was a turkey dinner at my sister Marcy's in Enderby including a gift exchange before M & her husband left for Whiterock, Las Vegas, & 4 months in Arizona/California. Tomorrow, Christmas Day, I go to Mom's in Enderby in the morning for gift exchange and to spend the day with her, we'll go to a church dinner later in the day. Monday is another family dinner at Mom's. My 2 brothers and their families will be there, one from Langley and one north of Edmonton. I'm making my 'famous' bread pudding for desert.
And now... off to dreamland or Santa won't stop by. Well, okay, so he refuses to stop here anyway ever since the crash... sigh. He tried to park on my roof which is metal and very steep. It was a nasty mess. Ah well, maybe some day Santa & the reindeer will get over it and stop in again. In the meantime, they drop my gifts at Mom's so I have to get there early to open them. Night night, and may your morning bring you lots of good stuff under the tree.
Merry Christmas and a Joy, Peace and Love filled 2011!!
I also send a 'Christmas Gift'. It's a free download that could well help your 2011 be a lot more prosperous. I've downloaded it before but didn't get around to reading it... sigh, so just downloaded it again and am finding it very interesting whenever I find a few moments to read. I look forward to a quieter time soon, lol.
Well, I think I am about as ready for Christmas as I will be this year. Much of it is already over and much left to come. December 2nd was my TOPS group party... full turkey dinner for lunch, games to play, gift exchange where I was fortunate to get what I felt was the best gift, a hand quilted wall hanging of snowmen. December 18 was a turkey dinner at my sister Marcy's in Enderby including a gift exchange before M & her husband left for Whiterock, Las Vegas, & 4 months in Arizona/California. Tomorrow, Christmas Day, I go to Mom's in Enderby in the morning for gift exchange and to spend the day with her, we'll go to a church dinner later in the day. Monday is another family dinner at Mom's. My 2 brothers and their families will be there, one from Langley and one north of Edmonton. I'm making my 'famous' bread pudding for desert.
And now... off to dreamland or Santa won't stop by. Well, okay, so he refuses to stop here anyway ever since the crash... sigh. He tried to park on my roof which is metal and very steep. It was a nasty mess. Ah well, maybe some day Santa & the reindeer will get over it and stop in again. In the meantime, they drop my gifts at Mom's so I have to get there early to open them. Night night, and may your morning bring you lots of good stuff under the tree.
Merry Christmas and a Joy, Peace and Love filled 2011!!
Dec 12, 2010
My New Exciting Venture
I am really excited to tell you that I have started my own business. It is one that will help a lot of people to reduce their pain, heal their bodies, and for some even improve their financial situation. Following is an email I sent to friends and family to let them know my exciting news:
I just wanted to tell you I have started a new business that I am very excited about. As many of you know, I was in an accident in September where, among a few other things, I got a badly broken wrist. A friend in one of my 'bike' groups offered to 'wand' it for me, then I have been getting together with people for wanding ever since. I have found that wanding reduces my pain as well as improves the movement in my wrist as it heals.
Having seen the improvements I was experiencing, my friend Joyce asked me to take her along to a wanding and of course I did. She had a very badly broken ankle in January 2006 which, like my wrist, required a metal plate and many screws to hold it together. Joyce has had a bad limp ever since, unable to walk without shoes, and unable to 'tap her toes' (move the foot up and down). Since her second wanding she has been walking without the limp and has been able to flex the foot & tap her toes. To say the least, she is thrilled! Tonight was her 4th wanding and she now can walk without her shoes on. Wednesday Joyce joined me at my physiotherapy treatment and while there, her former physiotherapist came out of a back room and said hi. When she showed him the movement in her ankle he was very impressed and said that whatever she's doing just keep doing it as it is working for her.
This morning my new wand arrived on my doorstep by courier, until now I was dependent on other people's wands and am thrilled to have my own to use daily. I later went out for lunch with my TOPS group at a restaurant in Armstrong & the owner, Marg, was in a lot of pain, you could see it in her face as well as the way she walked. She was over at our table and I asked her where she was hurting, she showed me the place on her back and I began to wand. No, the wand doesn't touch the person, though it can, it is usually held a couple inches out and always turned in a clockwise circle. In just minutes Marg was saying she felt like it was pulling the pain from her and that the area felt hot. It was not long before we all could see the change in her face and the way she held her body. She was no longer hurting!!
Check out the links below and watch the videos. Send this on to anyone you know that is in pain or just wants to improve their health.
This is my web site:
You will find great information on this web site which belongs to a friend of mine. If you decide you would like to order something, please get in touch with me or go to my web site above.
Feel free to contact me with any questions you have.
Dec 11, 2010
Critter Stuff
Well, I must say that my cat, Mewsic, sure does not need a sleep aid. All evening she has been snoozing here in my big arm chair. Each time I decide to come sit down here I have to gently move her over enough to get my butt onto the chair. She's totally 'out like a light'. She kind of wakes up some when I move her, but just cuddles up and goes back to sleep again. I guess it's the perfect life for a cat... warm home, full belly, no dog to disagree with. At this time of day, all the birds are sleeping too, safely tucked away in their cages for the night. I'm the only one still up and will be for some time yet. Much movie to watch and still more work to do.
Working at Home
I've been doing some cleaning and rearranging in my living room, trying to declutter and make it all nice and ready for any company I might get through the coming weeks, not to mention nicer for me to live in. I'm tired of being crowded and cluttered, unable to find things I want or need at any given time. I've also been decorating for Christmas and need to clean and declutter in order to do this. I need a place free to put up my Santa Village and such. I need to stop frequently to rest so I don't get into too much pain, though I now have a lot less pain that before (will tell about it in a future post). During my rest periods, which are often longer than my work periods, I do things like Sudoku, surf the net, read emails, etc. Some of the surfing raised a question in my mind... how many women would be happy to receive cubic zirconia wedding rings for Christmas this year? I can see where this could be thought as wonderful... and where it could raise some problems... sigh. I've also been watching movies on TV while I work and while I rest. Santa Baby and now Santa Baby 2. The elves and the Claus's are playing poker... for candy. This just reminded me that Dan left some candy in the back room for me. I think I'll go see what there is there. Mmmmm.
Nov 19, 2010
My day
I've had a great day today. It started with waking up to find Mewsic, my beloved car, curled up with me and of course my Indian Ringneck Parrot, DW, was in her cage near my bed. As I lay there deciding whether to get up or to roll over and go back to sleep the phone rang, a number I didn't recognize but I answered anyway. It was my long time, dear friend Wanda saying she was in the next town visiting her brother and would be over about 11 to visit me. While I waited I did a couple things around home, including design a Roll Call sheet for my TOPS and KOPs group. It was wonderful to visit Wanda and her boyfriend of about 10 months, so nice to see she is in a good and serious relationship after all these long years. It's been about 6 years since we saw each other so had lots to talk about, just too bad I had a 2pm appointment in town so we had to say good-bye for now.
I rushed into town to my physio appointment where Pam worked on both of my wrists, the right 'sprained' wrist as well as the left 'shattered' wrist. My first treatment on the left wrist was Wednesday and I've been doing exercises at home since then as well as having it 'wanded' (will tell about this eventually). Pam, the physio therapist, said she already sees some improvement in the range of motion.
I went to A&W as I had a little over an hour between appointments and I was hungry. I ate a Spicy Mama burger with 2 cups of tea as I visited with a fellow that was there whom I've known for many years.
Next was the Chiropractor appointment to have my neck and right wrist/hand worked on again.
I went to Dollarama and got a new pair of gloves as I can't seem to remember where I put the ones I had last winter and with the sudden sub zero temperatures and the snow arriving yesterday, I need gloves.
Over to Joyce & Paul's house for a visit for around an hour or so, then home. Ahhh, finally home. Now I am watching TV as I blog... my left wrist is shooting pains into my hand and up my arm as it is still a strain to type with this hand but type with it I must and I will. I am very tired and know I will not need sleeping pills tonight, nor will I be up half the night reading and waiting to fall asleep. I will be happy to crawl into my bed early tonight and to go straight into Dreamland.
I rushed into town to my physio appointment where Pam worked on both of my wrists, the right 'sprained' wrist as well as the left 'shattered' wrist. My first treatment on the left wrist was Wednesday and I've been doing exercises at home since then as well as having it 'wanded' (will tell about this eventually). Pam, the physio therapist, said she already sees some improvement in the range of motion.
I went to A&W as I had a little over an hour between appointments and I was hungry. I ate a Spicy Mama burger with 2 cups of tea as I visited with a fellow that was there whom I've known for many years.
Next was the Chiropractor appointment to have my neck and right wrist/hand worked on again.
I went to Dollarama and got a new pair of gloves as I can't seem to remember where I put the ones I had last winter and with the sudden sub zero temperatures and the snow arriving yesterday, I need gloves.
Over to Joyce & Paul's house for a visit for around an hour or so, then home. Ahhh, finally home. Now I am watching TV as I blog... my left wrist is shooting pains into my hand and up my arm as it is still a strain to type with this hand but type with it I must and I will. I am very tired and know I will not need sleeping pills tonight, nor will I be up half the night reading and waiting to fall asleep. I will be happy to crawl into my bed early tonight and to go straight into Dreamland.
I was reminiscing today with a good friend. I haven't seen Wanda for a long time, from what she said it's been 6 years since she was last in town so guess it's been that long since we got together. We had about a 3 1/2 hour visit today, Wanda, her 'new' boyfriend of 10 months, & I... way too short a time to catch up on what we've each been doing for the past 6 years. We of course also needed time to reminisce about our past crazy times together. We also talked about health related things I am doing these days to get back my health and to heal my broken bones and damaged ligaments and tendons, etc. I am into 'natural' health care things as much as and whenever possible. I remember when I raised show rabbits how I used to pick dandelions and feed them to my pregnant and nursing does because I knew that was a good way to how to product more breast milk for the does to raise healthy kits. I've done some very interesting things in my life time.
Busy Life
Wow, my life is really wonderful... and really busy lately. I've had a full and busy life for some time and now on top of that I have Chiropractic treatments twice a week and Physio Therapy treatments twice a week. I have currently been moved up from Co-leader of my TOPS club to Leader and am President of my Toastmasters club... all on top of the rest of my life. I've sure glad that right now I don't have to worry about figuring out and dealing with business debt consolidation. Dealing with the insurance company about 1- the loss of property claim for my trike and 2- the injury claim for injuries sustained when I was hit, on my trike, by a car that was speeding and turned left across my lane, cutting me off. I so enjoy the odd day when I get to stay home and relax or do my house work, read, etc.
Nov 17, 2010
It is pretty dark out right now from all the clouds in the sky and in about 2 hours it really will be dark. These short days really are not to my liking, nor is the dark, dingy weather. There was some sunshine today for awhile, a short while, and before that there was rain... I suspect there will be rain again before this day is done. The forecasts are for snow to arrive soon... yuck. I would really love to go on vacation somewhere that is not so effected by this time of year... maybe to Australia, or to Hawaii, or even to Outer Banks vacation rental. Keywords to where I want to go include: sea shore, lots of daylight hours, sun shine, warmth, handsome men, laughter, fun, motorcycle riding, and many more. I want to sit on a warm, sunny beach and read my books.
Healthy Weight
Today I went to my first physio therapy on my broken left wrist. For the next while I will be going there 2x per week as well as doing many exercises on the wrist on my own. I also will be having physio therapy on my right wrist that is sprained and on my neck for whiplash.
After physio I went to my doctor's office for my regular diabetic check up with the health nurse. Unfortunately I was 20 minutes late due to the physio taking longer than I had thought it would. When making the appointment with physio I did tell that I had an 11:00 appointment at the doctor so I thought they would give me enough time which they/she didn't. Anyway, I did get to see Jennifer the nurse for a short while and have an appointment to go again in January. My A1C blood test result is 6.2 which is very good, though Jennifer wants me to do regular blood tests and record food intake and exercise again. This is a good thing for my health and blood sugar/diabetes stuff, and also for my weight. I've been totally out of control with my eating lately and not exercising as much as I should. Now I have to write down all this stuff that should keep me accountable for what I eat/drink and how much I move as well as how these things effect my blood glucose levels. I knew I had gained a lot and was reading about Lipofuze yesterday. Now I am seeing it as a good thing that I have to do this journal type thing. Jennifer weighed me... down 1Kg = 2.2 pounds since our last meeting, but my waste measures over an inch more than it did.... With the broken wrist I have lost a LOT of muscle in my left arm while gaining fat around my waste... not good at all. I must get this back under control!!!
After physio I went to my doctor's office for my regular diabetic check up with the health nurse. Unfortunately I was 20 minutes late due to the physio taking longer than I had thought it would. When making the appointment with physio I did tell that I had an 11:00 appointment at the doctor so I thought they would give me enough time which they/she didn't. Anyway, I did get to see Jennifer the nurse for a short while and have an appointment to go again in January. My A1C blood test result is 6.2 which is very good, though Jennifer wants me to do regular blood tests and record food intake and exercise again. This is a good thing for my health and blood sugar/diabetes stuff, and also for my weight. I've been totally out of control with my eating lately and not exercising as much as I should. Now I have to write down all this stuff that should keep me accountable for what I eat/drink and how much I move as well as how these things effect my blood glucose levels. I knew I had gained a lot and was reading about Lipofuze yesterday. Now I am seeing it as a good thing that I have to do this journal type thing. Jennifer weighed me... down 1Kg = 2.2 pounds since our last meeting, but my waste measures over an inch more than it did.... With the broken wrist I have lost a LOT of muscle in my left arm while gaining fat around my waste... not good at all. I must get this back under control!!!
Nov 16, 2010
Do you dream while awake? Maybe you have dreams about your future career, or about a vehicle you would love to have, or that perfect romantic relationship. I dream about some of those kind of things and one of my biggest dreams is about renovations to my home. I want to build a big deck in the back yard, overlooking the lake and the lower part of my yard. I also want to re-do my entire kitchen with new cabinets, more counter tops, much more cupboard space, bins and drawers, a new sink, maybe Grohe faucets. I also want to have to walls done in drywall rather than the paneling and wall paper they have now. I want to put new siding on the outside with more insulation underneath the siding. Things like that would make my home very nice. Maybe I would even take out the living room window and put in French doors there. Yes, dreaming... and dreams are good.
Nov 15, 2010
Just Weight
Do you know which are the top ten diet pills? I don't have a clue, but what I do know is that I have to make some really big changes in my life if I want to look good and be healthy. The last while, each week when I go to be weighed in, I have gained rather than lost weight. This is going in the wrong direction!! I have been eating too many scones and though I have cut back on them, I am still eating too many. Also, a friend of mine has been taking me out for dinner fairly often lately and this is not always good diet wise though it is great in other ways. On Friday evening we went out to a great restaurant where I had BBQ Ribs, very yummy and yet not low calorie. Last night it was 'all you can eat' fish & chips. I peel the batter off my fish before eating it which is a good thing to do, though I am sure I still consumed 1000 calories or more in that one meal. Today so far I've eaten 2 scones. How much exercise have I had the last few days? None. I've been busy cleaning my home and trying to organize it which is a very big, tiring job so by the time I do this for awhile I am tired and sore so don't feel like getting onto my exercise bike and peddling for 30 minutes, or for any time at all. I must start to do the exercise even if I don't want to, and must make better food choices.
Christmas is Coming!
Today is November 15th, so it is just around the corner to Christmas 2010. Do you have all your gifts ready for giving? Do you know what you want to give each person on your gift list? Do you need ideas? Here are a few ideas of things you might wish to give people on your list:
- electronics: TV, computer, iPad, iPhone, Wii, etc. etc.
- books: there are so many good, interesting, entertaining, educational books on the market these days.
- concert tickets: lady gaga tickets or any other band that may be playing in your area in the next while.
- donate money to the needy or to people in 3rd world countries in the name of your loved one.
- gift certificates: for clothes, pets or pet products, toys, books, movies, etc. etc.
These are just a few ideas... I'm sure you can come up with some more. I like to give homemade gifts, though this year with having a broken wrist just healing, I think I will be buying rather than making for the most part.
- electronics: TV, computer, iPad, iPhone, Wii, etc. etc.
- books: there are so many good, interesting, entertaining, educational books on the market these days.
- concert tickets: lady gaga tickets or any other band that may be playing in your area in the next while.
- donate money to the needy or to people in 3rd world countries in the name of your loved one.
- gift certificates: for clothes, pets or pet products, toys, books, movies, etc. etc.
These are just a few ideas... I'm sure you can come up with some more. I like to give homemade gifts, though this year with having a broken wrist just healing, I think I will be buying rather than making for the most part.
My Indian Ringneck Parrot, DW, is driving me just a little crazy these days. I don't like to keep her locked up in her cage all the time but just don't know what else to do with her to keep her out of trouble. I guess I might have to clip her wings so she can't fly and maybe that would help a lot, though I really don't like to clip birds wings.
DW is such a sweetheart, so cuddly and lovable, but always getting into trouble. She likes to pick and chew at things she isn't supposed to (wires on back of electronics, antique radio, etc.) and get into plants as digging and throwing dirt out of the plant pot is a favorite pass time for this girl. I have to keep her in my bedroom because if she is in the living room she picks fights with the other birds that live here (if she's out of her cage) and she nearly killed Miracle, my Pacific Parrotlet, about a year ago.
DW loves to bath, so likes to ride on my shoulder when I go to the kitchen faucet and fill her bath dish with water, or sometimes she even likes to hop off and bath right there in the sink. She loves to sit on my shoulder and eat out of my mouth during my meal, or pull my earrings out of my ears (as if I don't loose them too easily already). I really love this bird and it makes her & I both sad that she has to spend so much time in her cage, but to let her out lately is a full time job just following her around getting her before she destroys something important or makes a huge mess. The more I think about it, the more I think I will have to cut her wing feathers to keep her out of trouble and so we can both enjoy life more.
DW is such a sweetheart, so cuddly and lovable, but always getting into trouble. She likes to pick and chew at things she isn't supposed to (wires on back of electronics, antique radio, etc.) and get into plants as digging and throwing dirt out of the plant pot is a favorite pass time for this girl. I have to keep her in my bedroom because if she is in the living room she picks fights with the other birds that live here (if she's out of her cage) and she nearly killed Miracle, my Pacific Parrotlet, about a year ago.
DW loves to bath, so likes to ride on my shoulder when I go to the kitchen faucet and fill her bath dish with water, or sometimes she even likes to hop off and bath right there in the sink. She loves to sit on my shoulder and eat out of my mouth during my meal, or pull my earrings out of my ears (as if I don't loose them too easily already). I really love this bird and it makes her & I both sad that she has to spend so much time in her cage, but to let her out lately is a full time job just following her around getting her before she destroys something important or makes a huge mess. The more I think about it, the more I think I will have to cut her wing feathers to keep her out of trouble and so we can both enjoy life more.
Trike Rebuild Ideas
I spend time each day thinking about my trike and about building a new one with parts from the old one as well as with other parts to make it different and even more unique than the last one. I mostly think about how to make the box different. On the first trike, the box was a metal frame with cedar wood sides which looked great for the first while, but the wood didn't hold up as well as it could and after the crash it was left outside in the tow truck impound lot, then in the insurance company impound lot and it was rained on a lot during that time, so the wood now looks terrible. It needed to be kept dry to stay looking as nice as it did in the start and I always tarped the trike when at home if it looked like rain, though did have to ride in rain a few times so in time the wood would not have looked good anyway. I think about all sorts of different ways to do a different box, for example, use a small teardrop shaped box, or make it out of Ferrari parts, or an old trunk, even a wine barrel or beer keg. I am sure that when the time is right something will present itself to me that will be just perfect for the job.
I've been reading a very interesting book the last few days... Women with Attention Deficit Disorder by Sari Solden. My Toastmaster/TOPS friend Pat found this book at a garage sale and bought it for me. I have been wondering lately if I am one of the undiagnosed women with this disorder. Many things I've read in the book sound like me, though many things don't, so I am still not sure. I am thinking I maybe should talk to my doctor and have him send me to someone who could answer this question. Sometimes I'm focused on things, though more often than not I can be thinking about something and soon find myself thinking about something else instead, for example thinking about managed hosting one minute, then my parrot the next, then plants. Sometimes this is not a big deal though often it can create problems as it is very time consuming and tiring and at times I need to stay focused though don't always find it possible to do. My home is such a terrible mess, as is my yard, and I don't seem to be able to clean things up, or to remember how to cook meals. This kind of thing is talked about in the book.... maybe I'm not such a hoarder after all, but just a woman with AD/HD... hmmm. One part of being diagnosed, of managing the disorder, is taking meds and I really don't like taking meds so must make some difficult decisions.
Nov 12, 2010
TO DO List
Some of the things on my TO DO list today have been done... some to do with ICBC (Insurance Corporation Of British Columbia), getting my pellet stove cleaned because with a broken wrist I can't do it myself this year, doing some blogging, feeding my birds & cat. There are still several things on the list yet to be done.
- purchase ink cartridges for my printer
- meet Joyce & go swimming
- return book & movies to Wendy
- do some house cleaning
- 30 minutes on my exercise bike
- go out for dinner with Andrew & help him with his speech for next Toastmaster meeting (I am coaching/mentoring him through his first 3 speeches)
Right now all I want to do is have a nap.... sigh. I have no good reason to feel so tired, but I just do anyway.
- purchase ink cartridges for my printer
- meet Joyce & go swimming
- return book & movies to Wendy
- do some house cleaning
- 30 minutes on my exercise bike
- go out for dinner with Andrew & help him with his speech for next Toastmaster meeting (I am coaching/mentoring him through his first 3 speeches)
Right now all I want to do is have a nap.... sigh. I have no good reason to feel so tired, but I just do anyway.
Nov 9, 2010
November 8
Yesterday I went to town for x-rays on my left wrist, then went for blood tests for my diabetic check up that is coming up soon. By this time I had to run to get a cup of tea to take with me and off I went to my appointment with the orthopedic surgeon that did the reconstruction on my shattered wrist nearly 2 months ago. I don't know if the computer software he uses is holter or some other brand, but he can bring up on his computer the x-rays done at the hospital as well as those done at the x-ray place downtown. It was interesting seeing what the metal plate & 9 screws look like and where in my wrist they are. He said to now start doing physio therapy on the wrist and go back to see him in 2 months. He also said it will be 6 months before things are back to normal if they ever get back there.
I went to visit Joyce then Tuggy phoned and wanted me to meet him at A&W, so Joyce & I went and had lunch with him. He was on his way to his doctor for more tests as he's not well & they're not finding out why or what to do about it. I had planned to go to Aqua Therapy, but by this time it was too late to get home for my swim suit and such, so I went to Joyce's for awhile longer then headed home to try to write a speech for tonight at Toastmasters. I had finally come up with an idea what to speak about... or had I? It just wasn't working.
During the evening I watched House, Lie To Me, & Hawaii 5 O on TV. While watching House I got on my recumbent exercise bike I had a workout. The timer quit working part way through so I don't know how long I peddled on it, but do know I did it for a fairly long time. Once in awhile I stopped for a short rest before starting again, and did this for the greater part of House.
I went to visit Joyce then Tuggy phoned and wanted me to meet him at A&W, so Joyce & I went and had lunch with him. He was on his way to his doctor for more tests as he's not well & they're not finding out why or what to do about it. I had planned to go to Aqua Therapy, but by this time it was too late to get home for my swim suit and such, so I went to Joyce's for awhile longer then headed home to try to write a speech for tonight at Toastmasters. I had finally come up with an idea what to speak about... or had I? It just wasn't working.
During the evening I watched House, Lie To Me, & Hawaii 5 O on TV. While watching House I got on my recumbent exercise bike I had a workout. The timer quit working part way through so I don't know how long I peddled on it, but do know I did it for a fairly long time. Once in awhile I stopped for a short rest before starting again, and did this for the greater part of House.
Nov 2, 2010
I am so grateful to have my wonderful cat, Mewsic, in my life. She is such a joy as she loves to cuddle with me often, and I rarely have to sleep alone. I'm sure that even on the nights I go to sleep with her in the living room instead of on my bed, she comes in to join me after awhile. I don't think she was terribly happy with me last night so didn't stay here long as I was tossing & turning more than I was actually sleeping and of course that disturbs her sleep. Have you ever heard the fairy tale about The Princess & The Pea? It's the one where they decide to check to be sure she's really a princess and not an impostor, so without her knowing they put a pea under the bottom mattress of a whole stack of mattresses, and when she sleeps there & wakes in the morning complaining of being sore due to the lump they know she's a real princess. Well, I think Mewsic is a true princess, mind you, every cat is, lol, but she likes to sleep on pillows stacked up on my bed just like a stack of mattresses. I also love the way she looks, being a Tortoise Shell with white she's patches of black, white & orange. I thought I had a photo to share with you of my Mewsic, and see I don't have on this computer... guess I better do something about that.
Oct 28, 2010
This evening I went out to a friend's place for dinner and a very nice visit. Pat & I used to ride horses together several times a week and were very close though now that we no longer have horses in our lives we rarely see each other. I think it's time to change that and see more of this wonderful woman. Anyway, we went out to see an incredible movie about one of the most famous race horses in the world... Secretariat. That horse must have been on some mighty potent multivitamin. Wow, he sure earned his fame & his owner's fortune.
Wikipedia says this and more about this horse:
Secretariat (March 30, 1970 – October 4, 1989) was an American Thoroughbred racehorse , who in 1973 became the first U.S. Triple Crown champion in twenty-five years, setting new race records in two of the three events in the Series—the Kentucky Derby, and the Belmont Stakes — records that still stand today.
Secretariat was sired by Bold Ruler (a grandson of Nearco) and foaled to Somethingroyal. He was foaled at Meadow Farm in Caroline County, Virginia. Like the equally famous horse Man o' War, Secretariat was a large chestnut colt and was given the same nickname, "Big Red."
Owned by Penny Chenery (aka Penny Tweedy), he was trained by Lucien Laurin and mainly ridden by fellow Canadian jockey Ron Turcotte, along with apprentice jockey Paul Feliciano (first two races), and veteran Eddie Maple (last race). He raced in Penny Chenery's Meadow Stable's blue and white checkered colors and his groom was Eddie Sweat. Secretariat stood approximately 16.2 hands (66 inches, 168 cm) tall, and weighed 1,175 pounds (533 kg), with a 75 inch girth, in his racing prime.
If you like horses at all I highly recommend this movie. I would see it again.
Wikipedia says this and more about this horse:
Secretariat (March 30, 1970 – October 4, 1989) was an American Thoroughbred racehorse , who in 1973 became the first U.S. Triple Crown champion in twenty-five years, setting new race records in two of the three events in the Series—the Kentucky Derby, and the Belmont Stakes — records that still stand today.
Secretariat was sired by Bold Ruler (a grandson of Nearco) and foaled to Somethingroyal. He was foaled at Meadow Farm in Caroline County, Virginia. Like the equally famous horse Man o' War, Secretariat was a large chestnut colt and was given the same nickname, "Big Red."
Owned by Penny Chenery (aka Penny Tweedy), he was trained by Lucien Laurin and mainly ridden by fellow Canadian jockey Ron Turcotte, along with apprentice jockey Paul Feliciano (first two races), and veteran Eddie Maple (last race). He raced in Penny Chenery's Meadow Stable's blue and white checkered colors and his groom was Eddie Sweat. Secretariat stood approximately 16.2 hands (66 inches, 168 cm) tall, and weighed 1,175 pounds (533 kg), with a 75 inch girth, in his racing prime.
If you like horses at all I highly recommend this movie. I would see it again.
Oct 27, 2010
I very much enjoyed having a sunny, warm October this year. September was unusually rainy and glum so to have a September-like October was great. I didn't have to start heating my home until about a week or so ago. I did light the pellet stove a couple times just to take the chill off, but didn't even need to do that much. I enjoy using the pellet stove to heat my home as it's a nicer heat than the natural gas furnace puts out, as well as it heats the part of the home that I am in without heating the part that is not often used. In order to use the pellet stove, I buy pellets by the ton, 50 bags that are each 40 pounds, and I store them in the carport to be brought into the house as needed each day. I like to think of these big bags of pellets as being muscle builders as I have to be strong to pick up and carry each 40 pound bag into the house and dump it into the stove and I am sure that doing this helps me to stay strong. Unfortunately, this year with having broken my wrist I am unable to pack the pellets as I usually do, so I have a friend who comes over every few days to fill the stove up and put a few extra bags into the room by the stove so I can open a bag and scoop pellets into the stove when needing to refill. This is a slow, tedious way to fill the stove, but you do what you have to do. I am very grateful to Dan for coming over to help me out like this and I don't know what I would do without him just now.
Killing Time
I seem to be doing a lot of mindless time killing things lately, like playing Solitaire on my computer. Click here, drag there, look for another move. right click to move them up to their piles at the top. I don't know why but I really am loving playing Solitaire lately and can't seem to get enough of it. I have so many other things I could and should be doing, yet I keep wanting to play the silly game. One nice thing about it is that I can do it with one hand if I want to so I don't need to use the left hand when it's hurting, or I can use it but to a minimum. It would be better if I was riding my exercise bike or cleaning my house. I want to figure out a way to have my laptop on my exercise bike so I can surf while I ride.
Oct 21, 2010
Kitten Fostering
As I mentioned in an earlier post, I have been fostering 2 kittens for the local SPCA. Well, it started out being 2, but unfortunately, Tiny passed away yesterday. He was just so tiny and young, as well as not as healthy as he could be. It was so sad though, and hard on me to loose the little guy. I still have Stamp who is older, bigger & healthier. Trust me, this is a lot of work to look after a kitten who has no mother cat to do it. It keeps you so busy that you don't have time to be bored or to over eat, so you don't really need diet pills. Or at least I don't. Every 2 hours you have to make or warm up a special cat milk replacement & bottle feed the kitten(s), then you have to wipe it's butt like mama cat would lick it to stimulate the bathroom process. Thankfully, Stamp is old enough now to be able to 'do his business' on his own, though I had to help Tiny each time I fed him. This happens all day and night, by the way. There is also the washing of the little bitty bottles & nipples which is no small feat. I find it more of a challenge now than I usually would as my left hand is only partially working. Tomorrow will be 6 weeks since the crash I was in where I had my left wrist broken & the right one sprained, so will be awhile yet before I have real use of my left wrist & hand. I picked the kittens up last Saturday at noon and will be taking Stamp back tomorrow. Before Tiny died I told them I found the fostering job a bit too hard with the broken wrist, so she found a new foster parent. Now that it's just one kitten I am handling it better and was thinking I could keep Stamp longer, but then was told there is another foster home set up. It saddens me, yet I know it is for the best since I am getting too attached to the little guy. Even Mewsic is starting to like him & that is big, lol.
Online working
I've been doing a lot more internet surfing lately, looking for custom made trikes (3 wheeled motorcycles) that are somewhat similar to the one I had. Well, I still have it, but it's smashed beyond being repairable. Anyway, I must find trikes comparable to my one-of-a-kind trike in my quest to establish a fare value for mine. The insurance company wants to just pay me book price on a 2 wheeler without acknowledging that it was even converted to a 3 wheeler. I don't know if I will get anywhere with my quest to get them to pay what is fair, but I will keep working at it and do the best I can. I wish I would just find a place that said click here and have it take me to exactly what I need, but it's just not that easy. It's taking me a lot of hours of work.
Oneness in Action
Below you will find an email I received today and thought a lot of people would benefit by reading.
Dear Team Mates,
We are now fully in fall season. I’m wishing all of you a Happy and Marvelous Thanksgiving Day! Why not using this special day to make a list of all your blessings……read your list regularly, focus on it everyday, it is the best way to have them produce more blessings!
Humanity’s Team World Wide, is announcing that Sunday, October 24th they will celebrate the First Global Oneness Day. Although UNO did not yet confirm this declaration, we want to start to Celebrate! We know that around the world there is 50,000 peoples that want to join us…they have already signed our petition! We won’t stop there!….We are still adding names with a goal of 100,000 signatures!……If you did not sign yet, please sign it now, and ask your friends and family to do the same. …..we want to demonstrate that Humanity is willing to focus on similarities instead of differences!
For this first Global Oneness Day, let us all do a little good for someone else…Bring a plate to someone living alone……pay the coffee for the person following you at your Tim Horton car service, keep the door open for a young mother struggling with her stroller, smile to a perfect stranger, compliment a colleague……the list could be very long….. Just a little gesture could make a huge difference! With 2500 Humanity’s Team Mates in Canada we could make life just a little bit better and make a difference to someone’s life.
If you have more suggestions for this Celebration feel free to write! We will share it with all members! We could also post your pictures of how you did Celebrate on our website!
For more info go to:
I’m wishing you an outstanding Celebration! WE ARE ALL ONE
Francine Corbeil
Oct 18, 2010
I've Got BABIES!
Pass the cigar around folks, I have new babies! Well, foster babies anyway. I am currently fostering 2 kittens for the BCSPCA. Every 2 hours, day & night, I have to feed the kittens then wipe them with a warm, damp cloth to simulate what the mother cat would do to stimulate the kitten to pee.
Stamp is long hair & almost all black, only a tiny bit of white on his chest. I think this kitten is male, though it is still too early to be sure. He is soooo cute, loves to cuddle & to purr. He's likely around 3 weeks old.
Tiny is very tiny, likely the runt, and very young. His eyes are open so I'm guessing him/her to be 2 weeks old. S/he is a short hair tabby and cute as a bugs ear.
I don't know the story behind these kittens.... where they came from, where the mothers are, how they come to be at the SPCA so young, where their litter mates are... yes, I have lots of questions that I have no answer for. I just know that I answered a plea for help and agreed to foster these two. My cat, Mewsic, is not at all happy about this though I'm sure she will survive. She's staying away if I have the kittens anywhere near me, and when she has come close she hisses & growls at them. She'll either get used to this or will just have to wait it out until they are gone. I don't know how long I will have these babies, could be a few days or several weeks, only time will tell. I am finding it a challenge with the broken wrist, though pretty much everything is. This gives me something good, positive to do and keeps my mind off my problems.
Stamp is long hair & almost all black, only a tiny bit of white on his chest. I think this kitten is male, though it is still too early to be sure. He is soooo cute, loves to cuddle & to purr. He's likely around 3 weeks old.
Tiny is very tiny, likely the runt, and very young. His eyes are open so I'm guessing him/her to be 2 weeks old. S/he is a short hair tabby and cute as a bugs ear.
I don't know the story behind these kittens.... where they came from, where the mothers are, how they come to be at the SPCA so young, where their litter mates are... yes, I have lots of questions that I have no answer for. I just know that I answered a plea for help and agreed to foster these two. My cat, Mewsic, is not at all happy about this though I'm sure she will survive. She's staying away if I have the kittens anywhere near me, and when she has come close she hisses & growls at them. She'll either get used to this or will just have to wait it out until they are gone. I don't know how long I will have these babies, could be a few days or several weeks, only time will tell. I am finding it a challenge with the broken wrist, though pretty much everything is. This gives me something good, positive to do and keeps my mind off my problems.
Oct 14, 2010
Christmas is Coming!
This is scary, but in just over 2 months it will be Christmas!! I usually make all the gifts I give, though not sure I will be able to do that this year with a broken wrist. I am also not sure I won't be able to, lol. In the 5 weeks since it was broken it has done a lot of healing. It has a very long ways to go yet to make the wrist & hand fully useful again, but the surgeon said I would have the cast on for 6-8 weeks & then, after doing x-rays he took the cast off after just 3 1/2 weeks. In the week since then, it has come along very well. I still can't move it a lot, but waaayy more than I could a week ago. In a couple months it could be working quite well. I want to make my Mom a pair of earrings, maybe a pair for each of my sisters too. I need to get some jewelry making supplies if I want to try making things like this. Last year I put some of my poetry onto some of my photos with Photoshop, and had them blown up then matted them. They made very good gifts, and I would like to do the same this year, but don't like to do the same thing two years in a row... just not "unique" enough. Hmmmm.... guess this all needs lots of thought.
I just did a post titled "Random Thoughts" & when I hit the Publish Post button I was "kicked out" of Blogger. My post that I wanted up before 9pm got lost and I am not impressed. Ah, and yet life goes on. Now, to see how many random thoughts I can have again:
- in the last Random Thoughts post, I had problems with the 'functions' here, hit Enter & nothing happens. That is happening again with this post. I have to click the cursor into place after I hit Enter... grrr.
- I enjoyed time with my TOPS friends today. The meetings are always fairly good though lunch, sometimes shopping, & finally go for desert with the gals is always nicer.
- I had a good visit with Mom this afternoon.
- I prefer the was "social security benefits" sounds rather than Welfare or Old Age Pension.
- I'm reading the book "The Power" by Rhonda Byrne, very good. She is the author of The Secret & I think this book is a lot better than her last one.
- I'm watching Gray's Anatomy on TV, with my cat curled up on my bed between my feet, my bird DW in her cage near by.
- in the last Random Thoughts post, I had problems with the 'functions' here, hit Enter & nothing happens. That is happening again with this post. I have to click the cursor into place after I hit Enter... grrr.
- I enjoyed time with my TOPS friends today. The meetings are always fairly good though lunch, sometimes shopping, & finally go for desert with the gals is always nicer.
- I had a good visit with Mom this afternoon.
- I prefer the was "social security benefits" sounds rather than Welfare or Old Age Pension.
- I'm reading the book "The Power" by Rhonda Byrne, very good. She is the author of The Secret & I think this book is a lot better than her last one.
- I'm watching Gray's Anatomy on TV, with my cat curled up on my bed between my feet, my bird DW in her cage near by.
Cast Off
I got the cast off my broken left wrist last Wednesday so have now had a week of slowly, bit-by-bit, moving it as much as possible. This is not easy as it is very stiff & hurts a lot. Not just the wrist is like this, but the whole hand is too. In the morning I can hardly move the fingers so must work them as much as I can until they finally almost straighten out & become somewhat usable. I still can't move the wrist very much, but compared to last week... wow, it is coming along well. I've been thinking about taking some bone & muscle building supplements to speed the healing of all the damaged tissues, & have for the last 2 days been wrapping the wrist with chopped up comfrey leaves for overnight. It does seem to be helping somewhat so as long as I can get comfrey leaves I will continue doing this. I am determined to get the use of my hand back. I need both hands to continue being independent.
Health related,
Human Input,
Pups2 Eat Dog Cookies,
Oct 8, 2010
Some past stuff
I have never been one to drink much alcohol or to do drugs. Oh, 'back in the day' I tried pot a few times, but wasn't into it like several people I knew. I did spend a couple years of my life with a man that was an 'addict' who was trying to get clean by taking part in the methadone program. Not exactly a opiate detox situation, but at least he seemed to be trying to get clean. Unfortunately, he was also too into the booze which didn't sit well with me. I don't know if it was because of the methadone or because of the booze... or just because he was who he was, but he had a tendency to become mean at times. It was almost like a split personality the way he'd be so kind & generous, then so nasty and dangerous. I soon found I could not spend my life with this man and plotted my way to get free.
Sep 22, 2010
First Night of Fall
Crop circles,
dark circles
Out in grain fields;
Harvest Moon
Full on Fall night
Illumines farm yields.
Summer is over,
The hot weather
For this year now done;
Is it going to rain?
Be dark & grey?
Or will today there be sun?
Time does sure fly
Marked as we see
By the passing of seasons;
To do yard work,
Dig out jackets
There's good reasons.
dark circles
Out in grain fields;
Harvest Moon
Full on Fall night
Illumines farm yields.
Summer is over,
The hot weather
For this year now done;
Is it going to rain?
Be dark & grey?
Or will today there be sun?
Time does sure fly
Marked as we see
By the passing of seasons;
To do yard work,
Dig out jackets
There's good reasons.
I don't know bout you, but I love yo read. I rarely ever leave home without a book or something to read, a Sudoku book, and often a book to write in.
What kind of things do I read? TOPS magazine, spiritual based books, self-help type books, various different web sites where I can learn about things I am interested in, gardening info, etc, etc. I used to read 'story' books, though I haven't had time to do so in a long time. I get the Toastmasters magazine and know I should read it, though usually don't manage to find the time. Guess I better start making the time for it as my growth as a Toastmaster is important to me.
What do I not read? Most magazines, male enhancement reviews, financial stuff, newspapers, horror books, any topics that don't affect my current life or hold interest for me.
Do you read?
What kind of things do I read? TOPS magazine, spiritual based books, self-help type books, various different web sites where I can learn about things I am interested in, gardening info, etc, etc. I used to read 'story' books, though I haven't had time to do so in a long time. I get the Toastmasters magazine and know I should read it, though usually don't manage to find the time. Guess I better start making the time for it as my growth as a Toastmaster is important to me.
What do I not read? Most magazines, male enhancement reviews, financial stuff, newspapers, horror books, any topics that don't affect my current life or hold interest for me.
Do you read?
My Future?
I have been thinking a lot about the why behind the crash as I feel there is always a purpose back of all things. I may never actually know why the woman in the car & I were drawn together in this way, but I do know there is/was some reason. Another thing I know is that I want to make something good come of this. I have been thinking about how to do this, and I think it is going to involve A.I.M.CAN ( Alliance for Injured Motorcyclists of Canada). Through their internet web site & a couple of local A.I.M. reps, learn more , about them & what I can do to help promote Motorcycle Awareness & Motorcycle Safety. Too many cars hit and badly injure or kill people on motorcycles each year. This has to change!! With the cost of gasoline always going up, the fact that motorcycles use a lot less gas, and the fact that motorcycles & bicycles are so much healthier for the planet, we can only expect to see more & more of both these types of 'bikes' on our roads. If cars "don't see" or don't respect motorcycles, don't expect it to be any safer for bicyclists, folks. If you ride a bicycle you are in as much if not more danger than the person on a motorcycle. I want to be part of changing this!!
It is now very close to two weeks since I was in the accident. I think I am healing quite well, though of course want to heal as fast as possible. As I watch TV or surf the net, I see lots of ads for the best acne treatment, though have yet to see information on natural products that would help bones to heal faster. Two weeks of packing this heavy thing around on my left arm and of having great pain whenever I try to do anything is enough and I so look forward to having this behind me. The crash was September 10th, I don't see my Orthopedic Surgeon again until October 6th, though I was told at the hospital it would be 2 weeks, not 4. Ah well.... 2 weeks have passed & 2 more weeks will pass too, then more until I will be cast free.
Sep 19, 2010
This is flipping ridiculous!!! It used to be so easy to upload photos to Blogger and to put them into the order you wanted them. Now there is a new system here since I last uploaded photos. I sure hope they get rid of it soon. I am NOT happy with this. I had to upload 1 photo at a time (used to be 5), it took 10 times the amount of time it used to. Also, the photos now are nearly impossible to put into order.
Pics of Trike
I just couldn't wait to see hoe it felt! |
![]() |
My wonderful Reba Jane Rottenweiler after her first ride.... wanting her second one. Yup, she got it. |
Sad... this is after the crash. |
Note the bent frame, bent forks, cracked fork, etc. |
I can't seem to get this program to work right. Blogger has made changes to the photo part of things, changing a simple, user friendly program that I have joyfully used for years into a problematic, not-user-friendly situation. Very frustrating and most time wasting. This may be the last photos I ever upload to either of my blogs. Sad!
So I will have to explain here that the top photo was taken the day I bought the bike.
The story that goes with these photos can be found here.
Sep 18, 2010
Health Stuff
I don't like taking drugs of any kind, even choosing to keep pain meds to a minimum (yes, even now with a shattered wrist I take as little as possible). However, I am very interested in more 'natural' types of supplements to help keep us healthy and our bodies functioning properly. I sometimes read on the net abiut this kind of thing & today found reading about acetyl l carnitine benefits to be interesting. Hey, I can use help with memory, & want to keep my heart as healthy as possible. I am taking a combination of Turmeric & Bromelain for reducing swelling. It's a bit hard on my stomach, but no where near as bad as anti-inflammatory drugs which I can not take.
Fall Of The Year
It's already 18 September, my sister Marcy's birthday. The days are getting shorter so fast, last night dark by 7:30pm. It's even dark in my house in the day time & I want to hibernate. The local fairs are over & kids are all back in school, some thinking about gmat prep. At Toastmasters, it is fall contest time - Humorous Speech Contest & Table Topics Contest. As President of my club, I have much to do, though I would like to bow out, having this shattered wrist to deal with. Doing things with one hand can be a challenge, and being a 2 hand typist, even typing is now a very time consuming, tedious affair. Oh well, I committed & will follow through. I would like to compete in the speech contest, though at this time am having a challenge thinking of something funny to talk about. I know some day I will likely look back on the MVA I was in & laugh... but it's still a bit too fresh & I'm not sure yet how to tell the story in such a way as to make people laugh at it. Maybe I can work on that.... hmmm.
Yes, Time is Flying. It is already the last half of September, summer is well over, a week has already passed since my crash, & before we know it, we'll all be singing Merry Christmas.
Yes, Time is Flying. It is already the last half of September, summer is well over, a week has already passed since my crash, & before we know it, we'll all be singing Merry Christmas.
Bonehead Stuff,
Human Input,
Pups2 Eat Dog Cookies,
Crashed Trike
One week ago yesterday I was in a Motor Vehicle Accident & my trike was totaled. I was driving through town (smallish city), just returning from a most wonderful ride on my trike. I am going to copy/paste part of something I wrote to my fellow members/friends of the BC Classic Motorcycle Club.
On Friday I went for a beautiful ride to Westbank. My friend Tuggy was going down to visit Gloria, ex-wife #2 and still a good friend. He invited me to ride along & meet Glo. He was hoping to take her for her last ride. Glo used to ride her own very nice bike... now she has ALS, a nasty disease that will take her life, yet she is still so possitive & upbeat... a lady to truly admire. Glo had an awesome pair of custom made chaps. They fit me perfectly & she gave them to me. What an awesome gift for which I am so grateful.
After having lunch with Glo, Tuggy (drove a tug boat for many years, thus the name) & I left there about 3pm, stopped @ Princess Auto for a couple minutes then headed home. Got to our city and as we came down hospital hill I was in the lead. We were north bound, lots of other traffic around, but the immediate lane in front of me was clear.... then it wasn't. A blue car heading south made a left turn right in front of me. There was no chance to stop. I T-boned her, then flew off the trike hitting the car with my body. The next moment of awareness, I was on the ground holding my left wrist, knowing it was broken. I saw one of the trike mirrors laying not far away & glass (from the car?? did my body break the passenger side windows??). I looked up & saw another car at the stop sign with damage to the driver's door. The blue car that caused all the trouble was stopped a ways down the side street & the slim blond was walking back, saying "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." My "inner biker" came out to protect me and said some not very pretty F-words to her. (I would now kind of like to apologize for being 'nasty', tho at the time it was some kind of survival mechanism kicking in.)
Several real nice people stopped to look after me, then firemen came... ambulance... cops. A fireman went to check my helmet that had by this time been taken off me... to see what head trauma there may have been. Later Tug told me a cop also checked my helmet... for DOT (Department Of Transport approved). Good thing I bought a good new DOT helmet this spring.
I was taken to Hospital by ambulance. They had hoped to get me into the OR Friday night but got a bigger emergency in so I had surgery about 10am Saturday. They had to reconstruct my left wrist, putting in a metal plate & 9 screws to hold it all together. Dang, I can think of better ways for a gal to get new jewelry!!! I was released from hospital sometime around 11am today (Sunday).
Yes, I was paying attention to my riding, not to men's running shorts or short men running or men running in shorts or any other scenario, and still I had no time to do anything but hit her.
I know I am blessed to be alive and with just a shattered wrist.
On Friday I went for a beautiful ride to Westbank. My friend Tuggy was going down to visit Gloria, ex-wife #2 and still a good friend. He invited me to ride along & meet Glo. He was hoping to take her for her last ride. Glo used to ride her own very nice bike... now she has ALS, a nasty disease that will take her life, yet she is still so possitive & upbeat... a lady to truly admire. Glo had an awesome pair of custom made chaps. They fit me perfectly & she gave them to me. What an awesome gift for which I am so grateful.
After having lunch with Glo, Tuggy (drove a tug boat for many years, thus the name) & I left there about 3pm, stopped @ Princess Auto for a couple minutes then headed home. Got to our city and as we came down hospital hill I was in the lead. We were north bound, lots of other traffic around, but the immediate lane in front of me was clear.... then it wasn't. A blue car heading south made a left turn right in front of me. There was no chance to stop. I T-boned her, then flew off the trike hitting the car with my body. The next moment of awareness, I was on the ground holding my left wrist, knowing it was broken. I saw one of the trike mirrors laying not far away & glass (from the car?? did my body break the passenger side windows??). I looked up & saw another car at the stop sign with damage to the driver's door. The blue car that caused all the trouble was stopped a ways down the side street & the slim blond was walking back, saying "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." My "inner biker" came out to protect me and said some not very pretty F-words to her. (I would now kind of like to apologize for being 'nasty', tho at the time it was some kind of survival mechanism kicking in.)
Several real nice people stopped to look after me, then firemen came... ambulance... cops. A fireman went to check my helmet that had by this time been taken off me... to see what head trauma there may have been. Later Tug told me a cop also checked my helmet... for DOT (Department Of Transport approved). Good thing I bought a good new DOT helmet this spring.
I was taken to Hospital by ambulance. They had hoped to get me into the OR Friday night but got a bigger emergency in so I had surgery about 10am Saturday. They had to reconstruct my left wrist, putting in a metal plate & 9 screws to hold it all together. Dang, I can think of better ways for a gal to get new jewelry!!! I was released from hospital sometime around 11am today (Sunday).
Yes, I was paying attention to my riding, not to men's running shorts or short men running or men running in shorts or any other scenario, and still I had no time to do anything but hit her.
I know I am blessed to be alive and with just a shattered wrist.
Sep 7, 2010
Dogs in my Thoughts
I have been checking out ads on Kijiji and in the local news paper, checking out the dogs for sale ads. Not that I am looking to buy one just now, but just want to keep in 'the know' of what's out there. I so miss my Reba Jane Rottenweiler. I get pleasure out of playing with other people's dogs. D has a wonderful Red Healer named Daisy. She is such a sweet & wonderful dog who likes to give kisses as well as running & playing. She loves riding on the quad or running along beside it. Daisy & Reba played together a few different times. I believe that, though she hasn't seen me in months, Daisy still remembered who I was when she got to see me again recently. When D tells her something, she clearly understands what he said. She is one very smart dog. D wants to breed her to a Blue Healer next spring and to give me one of the puppies. I know I would love it, yet Healers are so high energy and I am not, so don't think I could give the dog enough exercise. D lives out far enough in the country that he can run her with the truck or the quad... I don't. Ah well, time will tell.
Aug 26, 2010
More on New Dog...
Doggone dog gone.... haha.
For more info on this, come back later. Just wanted to leave a quick something before I run off.
For more info on this, come back later. Just wanted to leave a quick something before I run off.
Aug 24, 2010
I got a new dog last week. She has been called Koko by her previous owners, though I want to change her name... just don't know what to yet. She is a mixed breed dog and I am used to having purebred dogs, but oh well. From what I'm told, her father is pure Rottweiler... her mother is 1/2 Great Pyrenees, 1/4 each German Shepard & Black Lab. She is pretty, and fairly docile, though is also something of a problem dog. She is used to living at the far end of a dirt road, out in the middle of nowhereville, with a family and 3 other dogs. I live on a very busy highway, no kids & no other dogs. So far, I have put her into Reba's run 3 times. In 11 1/2 years, Reba never got out of that pen and likely never tried.... this dog (for now I will refer to her as Dawg) has gotten out 2 of the 3 times. The first time she was gone all night and didn't get back until noonish... the last time she got out around 8-9am and didn't come home until around 6pm the next day!! I had thought she was gone for good and am sad to say but was quite okay with that, so when she came trotting up the driveway looking pleased with herself, I was a bit disappointed to see her. Oh well, we will both get used to each other in time. I was told that she was a total outdoor dog... then I drove 130k to get her & drove drove another 130k to bring her home with me... then through email I found out she used to be allowed inside the house and up on the furniture!!! So not only does she come with a pretty face, but also with a package of bad habits that I will have to break!! I now have her on lead at all times, day & night, inside & out. She is in 'full training mode', so for the next month or so we will be tied to each other. She will learn to keep her feet & mouth off the counters, to stay off the furniture, to quit chewing my shoes & socks... as well as the usual sit, down, stay type stuff, and I will do more repairs on the dog run so she can't get out when I have to leave her home. She eventually will learn to not howl/whine/bark when I'm further than 2 feet from her. I will learn to be more patient. Yup, a growing & learning experience for us both. I am now wondering what was I thinking... and knowing I should have waited longer & gotten a 7-8 week old rather than a 5+ month old with issues. Oh well... here we go...
A New Dog
Most women like to go shopping, many of them like shopping for women's dresses. I'm more into shopping for animals. I do like to get myself new clothes from time to time, I mean, who wouldn't, but I love animals more. Last week I went shopping and came home with a new dog. Hey, I missed Reba a lot and needed a new dog more than I needed new clothes. I must admit I'm not your 'average' woman.
Aug 20, 2010
What Are Calories??
Calories are the little suckers that get into your wardrobe at night and sew your clothes tighter!
Aug 11, 2010
Brynx is a Dad
Break out the cigars, Brynx is a first time dad. My friend Wendy's beautiful German Shepard dog, Brynx, is just over 1 year old now and has fathered his first litter of pups. The mother is a Huskey with some wolf in her. She's from the Balto line of dogs. I haven't seen the pups yet, but Wendy said they're really cute and that Brynx seems to know they are his. I would like to see these. I am not really big on German Shepards, but some are nice. Brynx is called a 'flat back' as he's not got the low rump of the AKC Shepard. I like these much better and feel that the AKC has ruined the breed by going with such a low back end on them.
Last night when I went to a BBQ party I knew there would be a dog there, so I took a bunch of dog cookies that Reba left behind. I gave lots of them to Daisy. Hey, we were all eating, she should be too, and not people food.
Last night when I went to a BBQ party I knew there would be a dog there, so I took a bunch of dog cookies that Reba left behind. I gave lots of them to Daisy. Hey, we were all eating, she should be too, and not people food.
Some things I've seen on the internet lately
Here are some things I've seen on the internet lately that I found interesting:
- Canadian Living Magazine
- several really yummy sounding Hummus recipes. I really have to try making some one of these days as I love eating it.
- Tahini recipes. They go with the Hummus.
- inogen oxygen concentrators. Mom uses oxygen daily and it would be nice to get her a small concentrator that doesn't make lots of noise.
- BC Classic Motorcycle Club forum
- Best Health magazine. Lots of pointers on how to eat better and stuff like that.
- different sites about the Alaskan Malamute dog. It sounds like I have a good chance to get one of these awesome dogs, though not sure if I can give it all the exercise and grooming it needs. Since it's a $1000 registered, neutered dog that I could get for free I hate to pass it up.
Alice the human.
- Canadian Living Magazine
- several really yummy sounding Hummus recipes. I really have to try making some one of these days as I love eating it.
- Tahini recipes. They go with the Hummus.
- inogen oxygen concentrators. Mom uses oxygen daily and it would be nice to get her a small concentrator that doesn't make lots of noise.
- BC Classic Motorcycle Club forum
- Best Health magazine. Lots of pointers on how to eat better and stuff like that.
- different sites about the Alaskan Malamute dog. It sounds like I have a good chance to get one of these awesome dogs, though not sure if I can give it all the exercise and grooming it needs. Since it's a $1000 registered, neutered dog that I could get for free I hate to pass it up.
Alice the human.
Jul 30, 2010
Seamus & Bessie
An Irish farmer named Seamus had an accident with a lorry and was sueing the lorry company. In court their hot-shot solicitor was questioning Seamus..
'Now didn't you say to the Police at the scene of the accident, 'I'm fine?'
'Well, I'll tell you what happened. I had just loaded my favorite cow Bessie into the...'
'I didn't ask for any details, just answer the question. Did you not tell the police officer at the scene of the accident, "I'm fine!" ?'
'Well, I had just got Bessie into the sidecar and I was driving down the road.....'
The solicitor interrupted again and said,
'Your Honour, I am trying to establish the fact that, at the scene of the accident this man told the police that he was fine. Now several weeks after the accident he is trying to sue my client. I believe he is a fraud. Please tell him to simply answer the question.'
By this time, the Judge was fairly interested in Seamus's answer and said to the solicitor:
'I'd like to hear what he has to say about his favourite cow Bessie'.
Seamus thanked the Judge and proceeded.
'Well as I was saying, I had just loaded Bessie, my favourite cow, into the sidecar and was driving her down the road when this huge lorry and trailer came through a stop sign and hit me right in the side. I was thrown into one ditch and Bessie was thrown into the other. I was hurt very bad like and didn't want to move. However, I could hear old Bessie moaning and groaning. I knew she was in terrible pain just by her groans. Shortly after the accident a policeman on a motorbike turned up. He could hear Bessie moaning and groaning so he went over to her. After he looked at her and saw her condition, he took out his gun and shot her between the eyes.
Then the policeman came charging across the road, gun still in hand , looked me up and down, and said
'How badly are you hurt?'
'Now what the F**k would you have said'?
'Now didn't you say to the Police at the scene of the accident, 'I'm fine?'
'Well, I'll tell you what happened. I had just loaded my favorite cow Bessie into the...'
'I didn't ask for any details, just answer the question. Did you not tell the police officer at the scene of the accident, "I'm fine!" ?'
'Well, I had just got Bessie into the sidecar and I was driving down the road.....'
The solicitor interrupted again and said,
'Your Honour, I am trying to establish the fact that, at the scene of the accident this man told the police that he was fine. Now several weeks after the accident he is trying to sue my client. I believe he is a fraud. Please tell him to simply answer the question.'
By this time, the Judge was fairly interested in Seamus's answer and said to the solicitor:
'I'd like to hear what he has to say about his favourite cow Bessie'.
Seamus thanked the Judge and proceeded.
'Well as I was saying, I had just loaded Bessie, my favourite cow, into the sidecar and was driving her down the road when this huge lorry and trailer came through a stop sign and hit me right in the side. I was thrown into one ditch and Bessie was thrown into the other. I was hurt very bad like and didn't want to move. However, I could hear old Bessie moaning and groaning. I knew she was in terrible pain just by her groans. Shortly after the accident a policeman on a motorbike turned up. He could hear Bessie moaning and groaning so he went over to her. After he looked at her and saw her condition, he took out his gun and shot her between the eyes.
Then the policeman came charging across the road, gun still in hand , looked me up and down, and said
'How badly are you hurt?'
'Now what the F**k would you have said'?
to put a chuckle in your day
(This came to me in an email from my wonderful cousin Deneen)
(This came to me in an email from my wonderful cousin Deneen)

1. Is it good if a vacuum really sucks?
2. Why is the third hand on the watch called the second hand?
3. If a word is misspelled in the dictionary, how would we ever know?
4. If Webster wrote the first dictionary, where did he find the words?
5. Why do we say something is out of whack? What is a whack?
6. Why does "slow down" and "slow up" mean the same thing?
7. Why does "fat chance" and "slim chance" mean the same thing?
8. Why do "tug" boats push their barges?
9. Why do we sing "Take me out to the ball game" when we are already there?
10. Why are they called "stands" when they are
made for sitting?
11. Why is it called "after dark" when it really is "after light"?
12. Doesn't "expecting the unexpected" make the unexpected expected?
13. Why are a "wise man" and a "wise guy" opposites?
14. Why do "overlook" and "oversee" mean opposite things?
15. Why is "phonics" not spelled the way it sounds?
16. If work is so terrific, why do they have to pay
you to do it?
17. If all the world is a stage, where is the audience sitting?
18. If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?
19. If you are cross-eyed and have dyslexia, can you read all right?
20. Why is bra singular and panties plural?
21. Why do you press harder on the buttons of a remote control when you know the batteries are dead?
22. Why do we put suits in garment bags and garments in a suitcase?
23. How come abbreviated is such a long word?
24. Why do we wash bath towels? Aren't we clean when we use them?
25. Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?
26. Why do they call it a TV set when you only have one?
27. Christmas - What other time of the year do you sit in front of a dead tree and eat candy out of your socks?
28 . Why do we drive on a parkway and park on a driveway?
I dunno, why do we?
Jul 29, 2010
An Introduction
Allow me to introduce you to Gratitude... you can call him 'tude for short. This little bear was given to me by Rita, a gal I work with at the Food Bank every Monday. She said he is for keeping me company on my trike. I thought that was really sweet of her... perhaps she heard what I had told some of the other girls... that my beloved dog Reba is gone from this earth so can no longer ride the trike with me.
I used a bungie cord to attach 'tude to the trike seat right behind me, then as we rode home that afternoon he started to tap me on the back. I looked at our shadow and discovered what he was trying to tell me... only one little foot was still being held by the bungie and he was very nearly ready to take a flying lesson that he didn't want. I'm sure that flying would be a one of the good fat-burners, though he doesn't need to burn fat and he has no wings. Anyway, I reached back and pulled his leg securely into the bungie for the rest of the short ride home.

This shoelace harness keeps him securely attached to the trike seat, though he still needs the bungie cord over his feet so he's sitting up rather than laying down. This is not an optimal situation but will do until I figure out a better way to attach 'tude to my trike.
I used a bungie cord to attach 'tude to the trike seat right behind me, then as we rode home that afternoon he started to tap me on the back. I looked at our shadow and discovered what he was trying to tell me... only one little foot was still being held by the bungie and he was very nearly ready to take a flying lesson that he didn't want. I'm sure that flying would be a one of the good fat-burners, though he doesn't need to burn fat and he has no wings. Anyway, I reached back and pulled his leg securely into the bungie for the rest of the short ride home.
This shoelace harness keeps him securely attached to the trike seat, though he still needs the bungie cord over his feet so he's sitting up rather than laying down. This is not an optimal situation but will do until I figure out a better way to attach 'tude to my trike.
Jul 25, 2010
So.... what did I do today?
- Of course I thought a lot about Reba. It is one week ago today that I had to help her leave this physical existence. As I was outside at one point, in the corner of my eye I saw something black move and thought it was Reba... it was a garbage bag and wind.
- This evening when it was cooling down after a hot day, I was opening windows. For the first time in a week I opened the window & door looking out into Reba's Run. There sits her dog house... empty. Already the weeks are growing up out there, showing that there is no dog to keep them trampled down or dug out. It looked so empty and made me feel very sad.
- I went to town today and spent time with Wendy, drank tea & visited at Tim Horton's.
- I stopped at the Superstore and got some crackers, also got fresh cherries & blueberries.
- This evening I went outside and sat at the table in my garden, pitting & eating cherries, then watered my garden and came inside to put the cherries in baggies and into the freezer. Washed the blueberries and will bag & freeze them tomorrow after they dry... and will eat some too.
- Looked at a few things on the internet: hummus recipes,, more hummus recipes, Tahini recipes. Checked email. Played solitaire.
- Talked on the phone to Joyce for awhile, later to Tuggy.
- Thought about how it's only 5 months until Christmas, lol. I guess it's time to start thinking about gifts and such as I like to make most of mine which does take some time. I enjoy getting ideas from websites or magazines and friends. I also tend to make gift things in the craft I am into at the time.
Not a greatly exciting day, but not a bad one either.
- Of course I thought a lot about Reba. It is one week ago today that I had to help her leave this physical existence. As I was outside at one point, in the corner of my eye I saw something black move and thought it was Reba... it was a garbage bag and wind.
- This evening when it was cooling down after a hot day, I was opening windows. For the first time in a week I opened the window & door looking out into Reba's Run. There sits her dog house... empty. Already the weeks are growing up out there, showing that there is no dog to keep them trampled down or dug out. It looked so empty and made me feel very sad.
- I went to town today and spent time with Wendy, drank tea & visited at Tim Horton's.
- I stopped at the Superstore and got some crackers, also got fresh cherries & blueberries.
- This evening I went outside and sat at the table in my garden, pitting & eating cherries, then watered my garden and came inside to put the cherries in baggies and into the freezer. Washed the blueberries and will bag & freeze them tomorrow after they dry... and will eat some too.
- Looked at a few things on the internet: hummus recipes,, more hummus recipes, Tahini recipes. Checked email. Played solitaire.
- Talked on the phone to Joyce for awhile, later to Tuggy.
- Thought about how it's only 5 months until Christmas, lol. I guess it's time to start thinking about gifts and such as I like to make most of mine which does take some time. I enjoy getting ideas from websites or magazines and friends. I also tend to make gift things in the craft I am into at the time.
Not a greatly exciting day, but not a bad one either.
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